Publication List

Roesti D., Goverde M. (Editors, 2020)

Wiley Verlag, 592 Seiten

Goverde M. (2019)

"Gute Hygiene Praxis", Editio Cantor Verlag, 279 Seiten

Bandilla D., Goverde M., Giudici P, Lambert O (2017)

Drug Design, Development and Therapy, 11, pp. 2347-2357

Wenter N., Goverde M., Marty E., Roesti D., Staerk A. (2017)

American Pharmaceutical Review 

Gordon O., Goverde M., Staerk A., Roesti D. (2017)

PDA Journal pf Pharmaceutical Science & Technology.

Beurteilung von kritischen Mikroorganismen in nicht-sterilen pharmazeutischen Produkten. 
(Link: Teil 1/ Teil 2)

Goverde M. (2016)

BAV Newsletter

Goverde M. (2016)

Goverde M., Willdrodt J., Staerk A. (2016)

PDA Journal of Pharmaceutical Science & Technology

Gordon O., Goverde M., Pazdan J., Stärk A., Roesti D. (2015)

PDA Journal of Pharmaceutical Science & Technology. 69, 383-398.

Goverde M. (2015)

GMP Journal, Ausgabe 34, Januar/Februar 2015.

Buchrezession M. Rieth Pharmazeutische Mikrobiologie – Qualitätssicherung, Monitoring, Betriebshygiene.

Goverde M. (2013)

Wiley-VCH Verlag, Weinheim

Ein Schimmelpilz kommt selten allein 

Goverde M. (2012)

EinStein 3/2012, 28-29

Goverde M. (2009)

Annals of Improbable Research, 15 (5), 6-9

Positive effects of cyanogenic glycosides in food plants on larval development of the common blue butterfly 

Goverde M., Bazin A., Kery M., Shykoff JA., Erhardt A. (2008)

Oecologia, 157, 409-418

Morrical BD, Goverde M., Grausse J., Gerwig T., Vorgrimmler L., Morgen R., Büttiker J-P (2007)

PDA Journal of Pharmaceutical Science & Technology, 61(4), 226-236

Experimental habitat fragmentation and invertebrate grazing in a herbaceous grassland species.

Stoll P., Dolt C., Baur B. (2006)

Basic and Applied Ecology, 7(4), 307-319

Effects of experimental small-scale habitat fragmentation on above- and below-ground plant biomass in calcareous grasslands.

Dolt C., Goverde M., Baur B. (2005)

Acta Oecologica, 27, 49-56

Genotype-specific response of a lycaenid herbivore to elevated carbon dioxide and phosphorus availability in calcareous grassland.

Goverde M., Erhardt A., Stöcklin J. (2004)

Oecologia, 139, 383-391

Effects of elevated CO2 on development and larval food-plant preference in Coenonympha pamphilus (Lepidoptera, Satyridae)

Goverde M., Erhardt A. (2003)

Global Change Biology, 9, 74-83

Effects of fertilization and elevated CO2 on larval food and butterfly nectar amino acid preference in Coenonympha pamphilus L.

Mevi-Schütz J., Goverde M., Erhardt A. (2003)

Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 54, 36-43

Species-specific reactions to elevated CO2 and nutrient availability in four grass species.

Goverde M., Arnone JA, Erhardt A. (2002)

Basic and Applied Ecology, 3, 221-227

In situ development of a satyrid butterfly on calcareous grassland exposed to elevated carbon dioxide.

Goverde M., Erhardt A., Niklaus PA (2002)

Ecology, 83(5), 1399-1411

Small-scale habitat fragmentation affects pollinator behaviour: Experimental evidence from the bumblebee Bombus veteranus on calcareous grasslands.

Goverde M., Schweizer K., Baur B., Erhardt A. (2002)

Biological Conservation, 104, 293-299

Influence of atmospheric CO2 enrichment on induced response and growth compensation after herbivore damage in Lotus corniculatus.

Bazin A., Goverde M., Erhardt A., Shykoff JA (2002)

Ecological Entomology, 27, 271-278

Insect-Plant Interactions in a Changing Environment.

Goverde M. (2001)

PhD-thesis, University of Basel, 1-116

Host-plant selection in three different moth larvae.

Goverde M., Granados J., Erhardt A. (2001)

Mitteilungen der Schweizerischen Entomologischen Gesellschaft, 74, 143-150

Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi influence life history traits of a lepidopteran herbivore.

Goverde M., Van der Heijden MGA., Wiemken A., Sanders IR., Erhardt A. (2000)

Oecologia,125, 262-369

Influence of leaf chemistry of Lotus corniculatus (Fabaceae) on larval development of Polyommatus icarus (Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae): Effects of elevated CO2 and plant genotype.

Goverde M., Bazin A., Shykoff JA., Erhardt A. (1999)

Functional Ecology, 13, 801-810

Ökologische und ökonomische Aspekte der Landgewinnung in Entwicklungsländern: Sinnvolle pflanzenbauliche Massnahmen beim Anbau von Kaffee unter Berücksichtigung der Erhaltung von Quellgebieten (Mikroquencas)

Goverde M. (1997)

Ökoforum UNAPROA, Costa Rica

Influence of biocontrol organisms on root pathogenic fungi and on the plant symbiotic microorganisms Rhizobium phaseoli and Glomus moseae.

Burla M., Goverde M., Schwinn FJ., Wiemken A. (1996)

Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection, 103, 156-163